bOk = MTblGetLastMergedCell( hWndCol, nRow, hWndrLastMergedCol, nrLastMergedRow )

Retrieves the last cell which is merged with the specified cell.

Window Handle: Handle of the column

Number: Row number

Receive Window Handle: Contains the column handle of the last cell which is merged with the specified cell if the function returns successfully

Receive Number: Contains the row of the last cell which is merged with the specified cell if the function returns successfully

Boolean: TRUE if successful or FALSE if there are no merged cells or an error occurs

In this example we check whether a cell has merged cells:

If MTblGetLastMergedCell( hWndCol, nRow, hWndLastMergedCol, nLastMergedRow )
  Call SalMessageBox( "The cell has merged cells.", "Merge info", 0 )

See also
Cell merging
Row merging

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